Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Ha...i celebrated my 18 years old with many supid fellow at kfc....We celebrate at Saturday night...i rush with top speed after playing ball and quickly go to kfc...i no 1 person arrived there...a steady and tall person wait me at entrance there...ha..is zhi qin...he say that he is most steady friend and arrived there 5 minutes..ha.. i think the real reason is he want eat more...after that i plan and plan buy what is most cheaper and can give all people eat...finally i buy a family feast to 15 people..so expensive is charge me about RM52.60..want cry already make me brankrup...but i take a free bottle form this package...this bottle like a wash dishe...the 1 present that i received from kfc,after paying money and take heavy food upstaires....ME.ZQ,HONG CHE.wait all person come...wait and eat at same time...i eat two peices chicken and wait about half and hour...see zq eat just like a hungry tiger...ha...all friends come already...i am good person o...left a person a peices of chicken o...ha....we chit chat 2 hour and cut a mocha cake...ha..thanks to kang quan ya....make a cake for me...a lot of thank you!!!love u o......ha...after playing a while we all go to tanjong...so many people at tanjong...don know is celebrate my birthday or no?ha...just kidding...we change our venue at HSM.....we play car at football field....ha..so excited ...polis pass by and see we all doing such things..we scared and rush to another venue....another venue is light town....ha...so manycar at there...we all traffic jam at there...all pusing and pusing for going out...ha.....kang li is the most fast person that move from there...because he has a good skill already..ha...after test we all driving skill..we go to zan cafe.....don know why this day so many person...we arrived there and order food...my cousin that waiter that early wish me happy birthday...ha...so happy at there....about 1am something we all go home already...thanks to all my friend ya..........i wii always remember that my sweet memories with u all!!!!
18 years old birthday........
ha....i no a small boy already....so happy...i live in this world already 18 years old...i would like to thank all my friends...although they don give me any present but give me many wishes and support always...ha....this year birthday i just received two or three present only...ha...less than before...but wishes more than last year...0629,i at mmu celebrate...wait and wait and count down my birthday...12am arrived le...a new life begin and i will work hard to strive fot stpm next year......lastly...thank you for ur all wishes.......
Thursday, June 25, 2009
times and tide wait for no man!!!!!must cherish time carefully...somethings that happened already was past time so we want is further tense and things.......
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Monday, June 22, 2009
happy birthay to monkey and ziwei...
happy birthday ya.....ha... last saturday we celebrated together at zense cafe..10 oclock more...all arrived at zense cafe....saw our group and the noob waiter"a pek" all sat at corridoor there...zense cafe so cold la.....ha...shu xin wan me to buy special candle..a cant blow candle...haven heard before..ha...before that i go living cabin to buy this candle...the salesman said that our shop din have this candle...just laught me...so angry...finally saw that special candle at there..i had photo la...ha...about 11pm...our host came le lo...haha..saw monkey and shu xin walk together just like a pair of husband and wife...quite happy that our group could sat together and chat and kidding...all zense cafe crowd of our noise...we played card and waited for 12pm.....0621 is ziwei and monkey birthday...ha..can celebrate together and we can save money at all.....ha...thanks ya...12pm and 0621 arrived lo...i went to prepared the cake and opend song of happy birthday ....ziwei and monkey wished and blow the candle...din know they wished what...ha......after playing around...we took some photo and back...wished them happy birthday and gambatech to their studies and work......
potato coming back le lo..........
saturday morning,received a msn that..want go out eat or not?jun fa invited...ha...after 30 minutes...a kancil coming le...see that potato and jun fa...so happy,,long time din see potato le...ha...see him more fat like big potto le lo...ha...keep diet la potato tan...see all friends already further study le...have some感慨的心情..
Saturday, June 20, 2009
ekonomi tution....
tday is the first day i tution ekonomi...ekonomi can divided in mikroekonomi and makroekonomi....ekonomi no easy oo....so many things need to memorise....but i try my best...gambatech to me!!!!ha...tution that got many girl o....saw a beautiful girl there...so happy...ha...can tution without boring le lo.....ha
lose basketball competition
a worst and unlucky day....i lose the competition....i lose confident to play ball again...why???so sad...so sad...lose champion....wan died la!!!!!!!!
Thursday, June 18, 2009
my spm result kekal..............sad !!!
why..why...why...i can ask who???my 9a dream finish le...gouvermet can semak carefully or not...why like that????all the result kekal only......5a 6b is my real result in spm...spm no penting lai....gambatech for my stpm already enough!!!!!!!!!
change stream very hard...
today is the next day that i ponteng school......today all pre-u student go dewan for listening our pengetua speak...a girl is so pity la...just go straight away to art class..scolded by teacher and the teacher say she is biadap....walao...she just want leaning la!!!!why our govrment system like that...all must wait and must law by law...law is create by human ok!!!!u just change only....why....must wait until july...we all cannot follow sillibus when we change to art....because to late!!!!!can quickly or not!!!!!very angry and sangat tidak puas hati to gouverment!!!!!!!!!!
i haven seen so lousy basketball competition at muar...because of stupid presiden and stupid system.....the competition start at late time and prsiden does not know basketball rules....stupid or not...ha!!!tomorrow continue competition....don want to see that presiden again...is lousy until cannot say!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, June 15, 2009
open school first day
open school le lo...but cant change stream le....angry and boring...heared that need to wait until august....so long..two month le..how to chase people o!!!stupid ppd la...if like this want study a level...save more time and choose courses easier but the most imporant problem is money....study a level need ten thousand la....and cant enter local u!!!!so confuse..after spm don know how to further studies....hoped can change stream earlier!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thursday, June 11, 2009
.....first day at mmu.......
today is the shiny day and i go to mmu with many stupid fellow!!!!haha,we start our jounery at 10pm at muar bus stand....our group have hong meng,zq,kang quan,a liang,a mei,jia qing,hong chen,raymond,and me lo....many funny things happened when we arrived at bus stand wait for bus....raymond,a stupid guy say want wait for orkid bus but we wait ad wait 30minits,stil no seen the bus going...walao...waste our time,,,raymond arr,time is gold le...next time make decision before think la!!!!finally,we go by sky bus......go and stop.. go and stop ....walao.this sky bus run like torties la....normally go melaka 30minit only..but sky bus take 2 hour reach melaka central...very angry la...go mmu susah le...about 2pm sampai mmu le lo...we use the id card to go in...ha...mmu security so poor lousy la...we are no student oso can go in and sleep .....haha...we put down all the heavy things and play basketball....so HOTHOTHOT...i want kill sun la...hot until want died la...but the basketball court is good than high shool ones la...can chop ball easily..haha...happy la!!!!!!!so many activities at mmu...we go swimming le lo....so small the swimming pool...i can 征服this pool la...i win zq ooo by 蛙式..ha...so noob la zq...my dinner depends u le ooo..u say if u lose u treat me eat oo..haha... swim an hour and go to eat le lo...eat cury rice with ayam...this set cheap la,,just RM4 only..eat so plump...after eat lousy dinner,go play basketball again..haha..night wind so cold and the sport light so bright!!!!so tired today...but today is the best of my holiday!!!!!!!!tomorrow continue....
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
mmu stupid fellow balik le......
bad news to all muar people la...........zq,quan,raymond,jun fa,a gu,hong che,this people will back muar today unl thursday ooo...so muar girls should be carefull la...haha....less a few day open school le.boring la...so many activities do after holiday..must very tired de.....ganbatech!!!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, June 8, 2009
Saturday, June 6, 2009
stupid group go mmu le........
saturday night.....at 5 pm....they go mmu to further study le.......boring la....but they gone will bring peace to muar...muar will less aome trouble...ha...but melaka will increase many trouble le la....from that,i want say sorry to melaka goverment and people la...gt this stupid fellow like zq,raymond.a gu,quan,yao zhong ,jun fa.....this people will rape melaka girls...so becareful ooo.melaka girl....juz kidding la...don angry..gambath to u all
boring holiday
a boring and boring holiday la......i want go mmu visit that stupid fellow thursday and friday le.....ha!!!!but this few day nothing to do....my history and ekonomi book is during wrap now....so i want buy pengajian am book to study now....but i don have mood study.....boring until died la
Friday, June 5, 2009
• 这是一件悲惨与感人的爱情故事,还记得发生在一九九一年,这故事发生在一对情侣,男主角是一名刚毕业的学生,名字为杰伟,女主角是一名刚上中四的中学生,名字为舒芬。。。。。芬是个含羞嗒嗒的女孩,但他是一个样貌出众的中学生,追求者如狂蜂一样的多,成绩也一等好,但天意弄人,伟是完全相反的,他是一名小混混,样子也平凡了点,但对朋友一等一的好。。。。。。就在那麽的幸福的一天他们相遇了,当他们相遇时,天下着大雨,把广场的人淋湿了,但缘分,感觉把他们带到另一个世界一样,只见他们相看了对方,眼神如牵着红线一样,这就是他们的一见钟情,相看十分钟后,就在那刻,雷声打了。隆隆隆!!!!把他们震醒了。。。。最后双方以微笑而道别。。。原来他们已经不用言语感应了对方,回家后的他们只望着窗外的天空,心里多么希望见到对方,不禁地哭了!!!!至从那天起,伟每天都到广场等待着芬,但伟的等有如苦等,爱情好伟大,因为等伟已经忘记吃喝,发呆般等,但芬迟迟没出现,一天一天地过去了,伟没放弃过,还是不眠不休地等!!!伟心里不断地想“你忘了我了吗,我只想知道你名字,见你一面吧了,老天爷,我好想她”伟一天天地瘦去了,身体好虚弱,就在那么一天,6月29日,芬终于出现了,那天的伟也兴奋无比。。。自言自语地说“我一定要告白,让他知道我的喜欢”就在一路不小心地撞到了芬,伟有如番茄一样地红,就在那一刻,天突然下了一场大雨,就像当天相遇一样,伟鼓起勇气地说“我。。。喜欢。。。。。你!!!”芬呆了一下,只回答“我也是”当时伟紧张到牙齿震了好多下。。。。好开心但无法表现出来,只说“真的吗?”芬点了点头。。这是伟没想过的事。。。。缘分把他们撮合在一起了。。。他们坐下地聊了好多句。。原来伟的等是有意义的,等到了芬。。。伟还知道芬的不出现是有原因的,因为芬的家教较严,要出去也没那么容易,伟终于了解了疑惑。。。。从那天起,伟和芬每天聊到三更半夜,伟的细心,每天送便当到芬的学校,芬有课外活动也在校外等到他放学,虽然伟不能见芬一面,但看着芬上车就满足了。。。。。一天一天的甜蜜,感情很好。。。但人生是充满艰难的,感情也是,他们的感情一直都是偷偷进行的,由于芬的家人反对他们在一起,但是他们还是以相爱着对方的信念而在一起,即使不被别人看好他们也活在只有他们倆个的世界。。。。但不幸得的是就在那么一天,伟和芬他们一起如往常一般出来约会,当芬因为伟考上了驾驶执照时,一不小心跌出马路,正好一俩车正迎面而来,只听“砰”的一声,不省人事的人竟然是伟,因为救芬而推开了芬,芬哭了,好凄惨的哭泣。。。。抱着躺在地上的伟,只喊着“伟,我爱你,你不能离我而去,需要的是你,没有你我宁愿去死!!!!呜呜呜。。。。。在一路上陪着伟到医院时,芬只握着伟的手,用心里话表达。。一路上,伟差点被拉进鬼门关,芬一次一次地喊“我的伟,你不能死,我要的是你”芬哭红了脸。。。衣服也血猩猩的。。。。。。好悲惨的画面。。。一路上的哭泣,抱着,内疚,终于到了医院了。。。。芬好怕好怕,怕这样就失去伟了。。。在外面一直一直地等,手术房外一片宁静,芬只蹲着一傍傻哭。。。一分钟如一年,,,等了好久好久,终于出来了。。。。芬又紧张又担心马上跑到医生那,医生很沉重地说“我们已经尽力了,虽然保了命,但又脚已经废了,要终生用轮椅来行动”芬听后,一直哭,责怪自己,抱着还没醒却残废的伟,疲惫的身躯带着芬睡了。待续。
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
my new and perfect blog born le ooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ha,happy at all,i edit and edit my blog and my blog become pretty le......thans to jun fa and kang quan...help me a lot...haha..thanks ya
Monday, June 1, 2009
......MELAKA TRIP......
hahaha......today go melaka....so rush today la....eleven o clock sampai raymond house.....and then wait the monkey la....until twelve o clock...sampai there already 12.30pm la.....a laught things happen le....we fight for car....i and monkey fight with myvi and kancil.....i boost and boost until 130km per hour...ha....no fast la...i scared my car spoiled la........about half hour jouenery....sampai melaka le....we eat sibaraku...a place that eat unlimited but no free la...need RM20.70 la....ha...so kenyang la!!!!!and then we=stupid group la............eightperson=a pek,me,liang,kangquan,zhiwei,monkey,hongmeng,raymond buy same clothes....haha...and change it at same time...hahahaha...makhota person see us just like see a stupid and idiot group la....hahaha.....our melaka trip end wif 5pm......................happy happy and happy today
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